So I need to totally get on here more and post more. Here's how bad I am, we've been to the zoo 3 times since the last post and I never updated pictures. I have a multiply page, it hasn't been updated since July. I just don't blog well, I need to. I like doing it. I feel so accomplished when I do.
Just a quick rundown of things lately:
-I have some massive cold/allergy thing going on, I feel awful and yet, can't sleep. I just keep trudging through my days and hope that it'll all get better.
-Jake is teething, he now has 5 teeth and is working on a 6th, and maybe a 7th and 8th. So far his ears are doing remarkably better and he's speaking a ton. His new words include: diaper (said as dyter), binky (very clear), keys, drink, again, ball, more (mo), all done (another very clear one), and he's signing a ton - bath, more, all done... I can't think of them all. He's growing up so fast. I just want to pause life for a minute so that I can enjoy it. Before I know it it'll be him getting ready to start Kindergarten... which brings me to....
-Ellie has Kindergarten roundup April 28th. I'm so nervous about it for her and I know it'll be ok. She's going to do Summer school in the same school that she'll be attending in order to meet friends and get used to being in the same school. She's getting ready for her first friend birthday party - can you believe she's turning 5? I sure can't. It seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. She's able to write her name first and last, she's learning to spell all kinds of things. That girl is so ready to read on her own and yet I can't get her to make the connection yet. I think we're getting there. James has been reading the Bunnicula series to her. She loves it. I don't think she gets all the jokes yet, but she does think it is funny.
And last but not least;
-James turns 31 next Sunday (the 29th). I feel bad because I don't have a lot planned for him. We're going to a beer tasting on the Friday before and then that Sunday is game night. I'm hoping that doing those two things and getting him a couple cakes will be ok. He says he doesn't want anything and I honestly can't think of anything that he's mentioned wanting. So I'll get him a cake and a card and call it good.
Well, I'm done running errands this morning and Jake is down for a nap. I'm going to try and get one for myself too. I'm hoping to feel better here soon.