What happened? Where did the rosey cheeked baby go? How is she 5 and graduating preschool in order to start Kindergarten on June 1st? My heart is broken by it, but at the same time I'm so extremely excited because it is a new chapter. I am going to miss her terribly during the day though. She won't get to go to playgroup, she's going to miss out on all the fun stuff that I'm going to take Jake to do. At least she got to do one year of it with me. That's honestly one of the main reasons I stayed home was to enjoy one last year of her being home before she went to Kindergarten. I knew that if I wanted to stay home, I better do it then so that I had that time with her and I wouldn't trade it for the world. She and I have had so much fun. We've gone to museums, the zoo, different parks. We've discovered and learned and played together. I'm a better person because of the time we've had together and I sure hope she appreciates it as much as I do.

Sorry the pictures aren't great, they were taken on my phone because I completely forgot to take my camera.
Other updates - Jake's 15 month appointment is tomorrow, Ellie's 1st eye appointment is Thursday and on Friday Ellie gets her final ear tube taken out. It's a very busy week for us and a very busy weekend. Thursday is my birthday and for my birthday we're going to the They Might Be Giants adult show on Friday night and then the kid's show "Jiggle Jam" is on Saturday. I'm super excited to have a TMBG weekend again.