I'm going to do an all around update and hopefully hit on lots of topics... I hope you're ready to follow my crazy train of thought....
Ellie is LOVING Kindergarten. She is doing so well. She's reading, writing amazing stories, adding, subtracting, multiplying... it's awesome. Her teacher is a great woman, with the heart of a saint. I volunteer in Ellie's class on Wednesdays and get to work with all the kids on all different things. I help them count and practice their numbers, we work on sight words, we play games... it's all a lot of fun.
While I'm volunteering in Ellie's class, Jake goes to Mother's Day out. I love those women up there. I have been lucky enough to be asked to sub up there every once in a while and am looking at possibly working up there next year while Jake is in preschool there. Not sure if I'll be teaching or doing administrative something, but either way, I'd make a little money and would be able to be there with Jake. I'm still waiting to hear what's going to happen.
Last year towards the end of the year I got really into scrapbooking again. I love scrapping and hadn't really had time to do it. One of my resolutions this year was to make more time for me, for whatever I wanted to do with it. I was thinking I could set aside an hour or two on the weekends and scrap/write/blog, etc. but it just hasn't happened yet. I don't know if it's going to. Our weekends are so busy and giving up the family time to hide and scrapbook or write or anything. Someone suggested that I use naptime for that time, but that's my quiet time that I either nap/read/or get things done that ABSOLUTELY have to be finished. I feel guilty for napping, but there are days when I REALLY need it.
So, I've been bad about that resolution, but I'm really going to work on it. I was also hoping to blog more. To have an online journal of the goings on here because it has gone SO quickly that I'm afraid I'm going to forget it.
For example, Jake had his 2nd birthday party on Saturday. He had a wonderful party with his grandparents, my sister and some of our close friends. He got some great toys including a fire truck, this talking truck thing from Ellie, puzzles, books, clothes and the best gift ever - the Nanu (Vacuum if you don't speak "Jake"). He had a great time, everyone did.
Today he went for his 2 year check up and had to get 2 shots. He was wild in the room waiting for the doc to get in there. He was jumping from the red tile to the purple tile to the green tile and back and had me tell him what color each one was. He was hilarious. When the nurse gave him the shots he didn't cry at all. It was amazing. He's such a tough guy. So since he was so well behaved, as well as Ellie (she had a snow day today), we went to Paradise Park to celebrate. The kids played hard and ate pizza and just had a really good time. So did I. I love snow days because they are special days for me, I get to have both kids with me and we typically have nothing planned because I'm a wuss and won't drive in the snow.
I don't know how Jake got to be 2? Where have the 2 years gone? I feel like it's passed in the blink of an eye and it makes me want to cry that it is passing so quickly. It doesn't seem possible that it's February because I swear yesterday it was August and Ellie just started school. I have SO enjoyed having my baby Jake, I can't imagine my life without him. These last 2 years have been so full of love, hope, joy, and wonder, even more so than they were before because I've had all that the last 5 years (almost 6). I don't think I really knew how much he would complete my family. I truly thank God every night for him and Ellie both.
I was hoping to post some pictures of Dr. Jakenstein today, but I'll try and post them tomorrow because now I need to help Ellie finish her homework for this week.