School ended on May 21st, which also happens to be my birthday. I had several students write me very nice notes, bring me cake, gifts, etc. They were so sweet. The last day of school was a really good day. I was glad to see my students one last day and to wish them a good summer. The best news was that I was moving upstairs near my friends in the normal part of the school. I'm excited to be getting a nicer room and to have some storage within the room to put all my stuff. I also had it confirmed that I will be teaching hours 1-4 at my school and then teaching 6th hour at the other high school. It'll be stressful but good. I honestly need to get my butt working and get vocab lists and power points made for the 1st chapters for all levels.
Anyway... With school ending, summer began. We've been to the pool a ton. Kids have enjoyed swimming and learning how to roller skate at the skating rink. We also started swim lessons this week. Ellie loves it, Jake kind of does but the water has been really cold!
Another exciting thing in our lives - my sister had her baby on June 3rd. Adrienne Esther made her appearance at 11:28 weighing 8 lbs 3 ounces. She's a doll. I'm so proud of my sister too, she absolutely rocked labor and delivery and it wasn't easy. I know I couldn't have done what she did - pushing for 3 hours, etc. She absolutely kicked major ass. There aren't enough words to express how excited I am to have a niece and how awesome my sister is.
Before school ended I started seeing a massage therapist who does really intense deep tissue massage. She's amazing. It hurts, but I can definitely tell it's helping too. I'm always nervous when I go to see her, but I know it's really working. I've really enjoyed the first part of our summer here. I'm enjoying spending the time with my kiddos, reading books, watching movies and hopefully I can get my bathroom redone - that's my other goal!! :) We'll see if that actually happens or not.