So in my craziness, because I can't let this go, I decided to try and make my own chocolate chip cookie dough dip. It was awesome. Basically I took the Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie recipe, left out the eggs, mixed it all in my electric mixer and while it was mixing I added some milk. I have no idea how much I added, but it's up to you how much you want to add because it affects how thick the dip is. I wanted mine a little thicker than frosting so that it would stay on the chocolate graham crackers that I served it with. I tried my first bite and man I was thrilled. THIS was what cookie dough dip was supposed to taste like. The milk helped smooth out the flour texture and it was thick enough to be filling without being ridiculous.
As my friends and I were eating this last night, we thought of all the variations you could use: mini chocolate chips, m&m's, butterscotch chips, toffee chips. You can serve it with chocolate graham crackers or vanilla wafers.
We all agreed that I was not allowed to bring this back to game night because it was SO addicting. The entire bowl of it was gone by the time the night was over. In my book, that's a major win.
Stupidly, I didn't take any pictures of the dip, I wish I had, but it looked just like cookie dough, because that's what it was. I'll even attach a picture of cookie dough, so that I can pin my post to Pinterest in hopes of getting rid of the other nasty cookie dough dip recipes on there. Cookie dough dip should not have cream cheese in it, even though I LOVE cream cheese. It should taste like cookie dough, not cream cheese frosting.