Originally this blog was supposed to be mostly revolving around my children. Instead it's become kind of my online journal. Yes, I still talk about my kiddos, but there are other things in my life that sometimes by just getting it out, I feel better about it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Keeping myself busy
So while Ellie is at Kindergarten summer school, I've had to keep myself busy or I go crazy watching the clock. I've missed her terribly while she's at school and while I've enjoyed the time with just Jakey, it just isn't the same. Anyway, so I've had to come up with a project, or two, to use up some of this 1 child time.
What is this project? The JustBetweenFriends consignment sale. The spring sale I threw everything together at the last minute and it was horrific and awful and I swore I would never do it again, until I got my check for $115. When I got that, I realized how lucrative this could be. So I'm doing the fall/winter sale because I have a TON of winter clothing from both children. I've already started going through tubs and I have two mountanous piles of clothing ready to be washed and oxycleaned and hung up. I still have 1 tub down stairs to go through and 2 upstairs. I'm not sure how much to hope for this this sale, but I know that whatever I make will go towards Christmas and birthdays and hopefully then Christmas won't put such a huge dent in my budget like it did last year.
My next post will be pictures. Obviously I'll tell you what the pictures are, but I need to upload them to the computer first. It's hard to do this blogging thing with a 15 month old running around. I'm trying to do at least one blog a month and I promise to try and do more as time goes on.
What is this project? The JustBetweenFriends consignment sale. The spring sale I threw everything together at the last minute and it was horrific and awful and I swore I would never do it again, until I got my check for $115. When I got that, I realized how lucrative this could be. So I'm doing the fall/winter sale because I have a TON of winter clothing from both children. I've already started going through tubs and I have two mountanous piles of clothing ready to be washed and oxycleaned and hung up. I still have 1 tub down stairs to go through and 2 upstairs. I'm not sure how much to hope for this this sale, but I know that whatever I make will go towards Christmas and birthdays and hopefully then Christmas won't put such a huge dent in my budget like it did last year.
My next post will be pictures. Obviously I'll tell you what the pictures are, but I need to upload them to the computer first. It's hard to do this blogging thing with a 15 month old running around. I'm trying to do at least one blog a month and I promise to try and do more as time goes on.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
How is my baby girl graduating preschool?
What happened? Where did the rosey cheeked baby go? How is she 5 and graduating preschool in order to start Kindergarten on June 1st? My heart is broken by it, but at the same time I'm so extremely excited because it is a new chapter. I am going to miss her terribly during the day though. She won't get to go to playgroup, she's going to miss out on all the fun stuff that I'm going to take Jake to do. At least she got to do one year of it with me. That's honestly one of the main reasons I stayed home was to enjoy one last year of her being home before she went to Kindergarten. I knew that if I wanted to stay home, I better do it then so that I had that time with her and I wouldn't trade it for the world. She and I have had so much fun. We've gone to museums, the zoo, different parks. We've discovered and learned and played together. I'm a better person because of the time we've had together and I sure hope she appreciates it as much as I do.

Sorry the pictures aren't great, they were taken on my phone because I completely forgot to take my camera.
Other updates - Jake's 15 month appointment is tomorrow, Ellie's 1st eye appointment is Thursday and on Friday Ellie gets her final ear tube taken out. It's a very busy week for us and a very busy weekend. Thursday is my birthday and for my birthday we're going to the They Might Be Giants adult show on Friday night and then the kid's show "Jiggle Jam" is on Saturday. I'm super excited to have a TMBG weekend again.

Sorry the pictures aren't great, they were taken on my phone because I completely forgot to take my camera.
Other updates - Jake's 15 month appointment is tomorrow, Ellie's 1st eye appointment is Thursday and on Friday Ellie gets her final ear tube taken out. It's a very busy week for us and a very busy weekend. Thursday is my birthday and for my birthday we're going to the They Might Be Giants adult show on Friday night and then the kid's show "Jiggle Jam" is on Saturday. I'm super excited to have a TMBG weekend again.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Illness and other things...
So after 3 weeks, you'd think we'd be done being sick. However, both kids still have heads full of crap and are coughing something awful. James is still blowing all kinds of lovely stuff out of his head and I'm running a low grade fever again and not feeling 100%. WTH? Can we not all get better and stay better? I'm trying to decide if I need to go to the doctor, not sure if I am going to or not. If it is just a cold, there's nothing they can do for me. We'll see.
Ellie's birthday is this week, Thursday. She turns 5. Where did the time go? I remember everything (well as much as my drug induced state will let me) from her birth. I remember bringing her home and being terrified that I didn't know what I was doing. I remember her being so sick the entire first year with ear infections and that after she got tubes she was so much better. I remember her first birthday and her smashing the cake everywhere. I remember her first words - dink dink (binky), no-ut (donut), dada and mama. I remember taking her to the park all the time after I got off work and we'd just play a ton. It is amazing to me how she's grown from this tiny little girl into this tall (3'10") young lady. She is so smart, so kind, so funny. And while I'm thrilled that she's growing up to be such a wonderful person, I'm still sad that she's growing up. I want her to stay young forever. Next year she'll go off to Kindergarten and I have to tell you, the thought of it about has me heartbroken.
In order to celebrate her birthday, not only has James taken off work (not just for that reason) but we're going to get Lamars donuts in the morning and assuming it doesn't rain we're going to Deanna Rose Farmstead. If it rains I'm not sure where we'll go, but Ellie will get to choose.
Here are some pics of my baby through her first 5 years.

Ellie's birthday is this week, Thursday. She turns 5. Where did the time go? I remember everything (well as much as my drug induced state will let me) from her birth. I remember bringing her home and being terrified that I didn't know what I was doing. I remember her being so sick the entire first year with ear infections and that after she got tubes she was so much better. I remember her first birthday and her smashing the cake everywhere. I remember her first words - dink dink (binky), no-ut (donut), dada and mama. I remember taking her to the park all the time after I got off work and we'd just play a ton. It is amazing to me how she's grown from this tiny little girl into this tall (3'10") young lady. She is so smart, so kind, so funny. And while I'm thrilled that she's growing up to be such a wonderful person, I'm still sad that she's growing up. I want her to stay young forever. Next year she'll go off to Kindergarten and I have to tell you, the thought of it about has me heartbroken.
In order to celebrate her birthday, not only has James taken off work (not just for that reason) but we're going to get Lamars donuts in the morning and assuming it doesn't rain we're going to Deanna Rose Farmstead. If it rains I'm not sure where we'll go, but Ellie will get to choose.
Here are some pics of my baby through her first 5 years.

Friday, March 20, 2009
So I told you I'd be bad at this blogging thing...
So I need to totally get on here more and post more. Here's how bad I am, we've been to the zoo 3 times since the last post and I never updated pictures. I have a multiply page, it hasn't been updated since July. I just don't blog well, I need to. I like doing it. I feel so accomplished when I do.
Just a quick rundown of things lately:
-I have some massive cold/allergy thing going on, I feel awful and yet, can't sleep. I just keep trudging through my days and hope that it'll all get better.
-Jake is teething, he now has 5 teeth and is working on a 6th, and maybe a 7th and 8th. So far his ears are doing remarkably better and he's speaking a ton. His new words include: diaper (said as dyter), binky (very clear), keys, drink, again, ball, more (mo), all done (another very clear one), and he's signing a ton - bath, more, all done... I can't think of them all. He's growing up so fast. I just want to pause life for a minute so that I can enjoy it. Before I know it it'll be him getting ready to start Kindergarten... which brings me to....
-Ellie has Kindergarten roundup April 28th. I'm so nervous about it for her and I know it'll be ok. She's going to do Summer school in the same school that she'll be attending in order to meet friends and get used to being in the same school. She's getting ready for her first friend birthday party - can you believe she's turning 5? I sure can't. It seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. She's able to write her name first and last, she's learning to spell all kinds of things. That girl is so ready to read on her own and yet I can't get her to make the connection yet. I think we're getting there. James has been reading the Bunnicula series to her. She loves it. I don't think she gets all the jokes yet, but she does think it is funny.
And last but not least;
-James turns 31 next Sunday (the 29th). I feel bad because I don't have a lot planned for him. We're going to a beer tasting on the Friday before and then that Sunday is game night. I'm hoping that doing those two things and getting him a couple cakes will be ok. He says he doesn't want anything and I honestly can't think of anything that he's mentioned wanting. So I'll get him a cake and a card and call it good.
Well, I'm done running errands this morning and Jake is down for a nap. I'm going to try and get one for myself too. I'm hoping to feel better here soon.
Just a quick rundown of things lately:
-I have some massive cold/allergy thing going on, I feel awful and yet, can't sleep. I just keep trudging through my days and hope that it'll all get better.
-Jake is teething, he now has 5 teeth and is working on a 6th, and maybe a 7th and 8th. So far his ears are doing remarkably better and he's speaking a ton. His new words include: diaper (said as dyter), binky (very clear), keys, drink, again, ball, more (mo), all done (another very clear one), and he's signing a ton - bath, more, all done... I can't think of them all. He's growing up so fast. I just want to pause life for a minute so that I can enjoy it. Before I know it it'll be him getting ready to start Kindergarten... which brings me to....
-Ellie has Kindergarten roundup April 28th. I'm so nervous about it for her and I know it'll be ok. She's going to do Summer school in the same school that she'll be attending in order to meet friends and get used to being in the same school. She's getting ready for her first friend birthday party - can you believe she's turning 5? I sure can't. It seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. She's able to write her name first and last, she's learning to spell all kinds of things. That girl is so ready to read on her own and yet I can't get her to make the connection yet. I think we're getting there. James has been reading the Bunnicula series to her. She loves it. I don't think she gets all the jokes yet, but she does think it is funny.
And last but not least;
-James turns 31 next Sunday (the 29th). I feel bad because I don't have a lot planned for him. We're going to a beer tasting on the Friday before and then that Sunday is game night. I'm hoping that doing those two things and getting him a couple cakes will be ok. He says he doesn't want anything and I honestly can't think of anything that he's mentioned wanting. So I'll get him a cake and a card and call it good.
Well, I'm done running errands this morning and Jake is down for a nap. I'm going to try and get one for myself too. I'm hoping to feel better here soon.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
So after much deliberation I've decided to start my own blog. I figured that this would be a good way to share what's going on with the kids, ramble a little bit, use up some words (there's this theory that I have that I never use up all my words in a day).
Today is a beautiful day - it is sunny and supposed to be close to 60 degrees. However, it is supposed to be super windy. I've decided that I don't care how windy it is, we're going to the zoo. Neither Jake nor Ellie have been since Summer/late Fall and I miss the zoo as well. The only thing that would make this trip way more awesome would be having either my husband or my sister go with me, mostly because they are super fun.
I'll probably post after we go to the zoo and share some pictures from my awesome camera that my in-laws got me.
Anyway, just a brief welcome to the site. I'm hoping to have lots more on here soon.
Today is a beautiful day - it is sunny and supposed to be close to 60 degrees. However, it is supposed to be super windy. I've decided that I don't care how windy it is, we're going to the zoo. Neither Jake nor Ellie have been since Summer/late Fall and I miss the zoo as well. The only thing that would make this trip way more awesome would be having either my husband or my sister go with me, mostly because they are super fun.
I'll probably post after we go to the zoo and share some pictures from my awesome camera that my in-laws got me.
Anyway, just a brief welcome to the site. I'm hoping to have lots more on here soon.
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