Ellie's birthday is this week, Thursday. She turns 5. Where did the time go? I remember everything (well as much as my drug induced state will let me) from her birth. I remember bringing her home and being terrified that I didn't know what I was doing. I remember her being so sick the entire first year with ear infections and that after she got tubes she was so much better. I remember her first birthday and her smashing the cake everywhere. I remember her first words - dink dink (binky), no-ut (donut), dada and mama. I remember taking her to the park all the time after I got off work and we'd just play a ton. It is amazing to me how she's grown from this tiny little girl into this tall (3'10") young lady. She is so smart, so kind, so funny. And while I'm thrilled that she's growing up to be such a wonderful person, I'm still sad that she's growing up. I want her to stay young forever. Next year she'll go off to Kindergarten and I have to tell you, the thought of it about has me heartbroken.
In order to celebrate her birthday, not only has James taken off work (not just for that reason) but we're going to get Lamars donuts in the morning and assuming it doesn't rain we're going to Deanna Rose Farmstead. If it rains I'm not sure where we'll go, but Ellie will get to choose.
Here are some pics of my baby through her first 5 years.

Awe! Katy! You should do more blogging! You have a knack for it girl!! I can't get over how grown up Ellie looks now. She still has the same features from when she was an infant though! She's so beautiful. Good job mommy! I know Ellie had to have had a very special birthday!