Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Going back to work

So, apparently I'm the new French teacher at a high school here. It's a part-time gig. I wasn't really sure I'd even end up with the job because I figured who would hire someone who hadn't taught in 3 years. Anyway, I got the job. I have moments of major freak out about whether or not I'm ready to go back to work. I have other moments where I'm really looking forward to it and am ready for the new challenge. I worry about Jake at daycare. I hope he handles it ok. I worry about Ellie riding the bus. I also worry about all the time I have to give up away from my family. I know that it will all be ok. I don't think that this would've fallen in my lap if it wasn't where I was supposed to be. Those of you who read this, if anyone does, keep me in your thoughts and prayers with this new endeavor.

Also, I have to go complete my jury duty on August 1st. Lord help me there. I am nervous about going back but I've decided that it will all be ok and I'm looking forward to a day to sit and read my book.

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