I haven't even looked to see when the last time I posted was. I had intended to keep things going and really continue my blogging since I had been doing so well. Anyway, off to my update...
School started with a whirlwind of activity this year. It just seemed like the minute we started going, we didn't ever stop. Each week would fly by and with no break in site I was getting exhausted. My kiddos were feeling the same way so I knew it wasn't just me. (And, after talking to several of my other teacher friends: elementary and high school levels, they all said the same thing) We all feel like we're just dragging this year. It's not that the year isn't going well and it's not that we're unhappy with things (there are always minor things that we can be irritated with, but nothing serious). I honestly wonder if the reason for the burnout feeling is that we really had no break from the moment we started school until today. And the only reason we got the break today was because of a crazy week of parent/teacher conferences.
Luckily for me, I had a nice break last week when I went to the Foreign Language Association of Missouri (or FLAM) conference. It was so nice to go and sit in professional development sessions that were actually valid and were useable in my classroom. Foreign Language is SO different than any other type of teaching, and I know that administrators and higher ups in the education word don't really understand that. Now if we started teaching this kids in the elementary levels, then maybe in the high school level, foreign language might look different, but we don't, so all of the FL teachers do the best we can and we try to implement these strategies that might not work in our classroom. We try them, they fail, we might try again because we're a tenacious bunch, but then we give up because it just doesn't work and we stick to what we know does work. Anyway, the FLAM conference was AWESOME!! I came back with SO many amazing ideas and I can't wait to use them. I'm actually going to be putting them to use starting next week!! I love it when I go to things and can immediately bring something new to the classroom. So that was a nice break - was it relaxing? No. Only because for me it's stressful to be gone from my family and it's hard work sitting in the sessions even when they are exciting and rejuvenating. Plus, it's always WAY more work to be gone from school than it is to just go and deal with it.
This last week, was a go and deal with it week - partly because it was too hard to be gone and partly because of parent/teacher conferences. Apparently over last weekend I did something to my back and my sciatic nerve was ANGRY! It was hurting so badly, I could barely walk, by Tuesday 11 am I was shaking and almost in tears from the pain, by Wednesday I was so done with it and was so grateful that I had a chiropractor and massage therapy appointment. I love my massage therapist - she's amazing. It's not fluffy feel good massage - she digs in there and actually fixes the problem. I don't feel it's a good session with her unless I cry on the table. I was upset though after I got up from my massage because I didn't feel instantly better, but I then went to the next room to my chiropractor and he got everything back where it was supposed to go! It was instantaneous - I could walk again. Now I'm having to watch it and still be careful because that muscle is so tight, but it's SO much better than it was.
Anyway, so I sat through parent teacher conferences with my back killing me, and just dealt with it because it was easier to just be there and get it done. Luckily, my students' parents are awesome. It was a great night talking to these families. I laughed a ton, I learned a lot about my students, and it's always nice to see the families that I know really well and that really enjoy seeing me. It made me feel so validated and that I'm doing a good job. Sometimes, as a teacher, I just need to hear that because honestly I feel like there are times what I'm doing doesn't matter at all.
So here we are, 1st real day off since Labor day. I got to sleep in, I'm enjoying my coffee while the kiddos play. We have a couple errands to run, but really today is going to be a lazy day. I'm going to do some cleaning because on Halloween night our French exchange teacher arrives. (More on that in a second). But really I'm just going to take it easy and enjoy being with my kids.
This weekend we're going to do lots of fun Halloween activities. Saturday evening we're going to a friend's party, I'm working on convincing James to go to the zoo on Saturday morning for Boo at the Zoo. Sunday we've been invited to two trunk or treats, and I think we're going to hit both of them, but one for sure. Monday the kids are off school so Ellie and Jake will be at daycare all day together - which both kids actually really enjoy (I love my daycare!!). I have professional development on Monday. I'm hoping it will be something actually useable in my classroom. I'm doing my best to go in with a good attitude because it definitely makes the day go faster if I'm not as grumpy.
Halloween is on a Wednesday this year - which kind of drives me crazy. I wish we didn't have to deal with it in the middle of the week. Can't we have a Halloween observed on a Saturday evening? That way kids aren't out super late and then are exhausted the next day? I don't know, just my opinion. We're doing a lot of our Halloweening (It can be a verb, right?) early because the French exchange kiddos arrive at 7:30 that evening. I'm making my whole family go to the airport to meet our teacher who will be staying with us. My kids are so excited to meet her and honestly I am too. This is going to be such an amazing experience for my family and for my students. Things I'm nervous about are: lack of privacy while they are here, how many activities we have planned on top of normal life activities, getting through my curriculum at school that I'm already behind on because of other things going on at school, etc. Plus I'm already worrying about when we go to France in March. I know it'll all be ok, I'm looking forward to France, but I'm also nervous about being away from my husband and kids. I know they'll survive without me, but I'm going to miss them terribly.
Anyway, the plan is to go pick up Francoise and then get home as quickly as possible to let the kiddos go trick or treating for a little bit before bed. We're all going to be exhausted Thursday morning, so I figure we'll just go with it. I think several of my students are going to come with us because my neighbor, Ellie's friend's dad, has this awesome haunted house behind his house and all my students want to go.
I'm hoping to post some pictures from Halloween and the French exchange while they are here, it probably won't happen until after the French leave. It might not happen until Thanksgiving. However, I am going to try and post at least once a month. I find that I handle things better if I can write it out and see it in print and realize what I'm worrying about is silly.
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