This week has been incredibly hard for me. I'm not entirely sure why but I have a couple ideas.
1. Ellie's 1st grade teacher, who is also my friend, is battling lung cancer and we found out this week that she had to go back into the hospital. I love her dearly and I'm praying for her for healing and I am asking all of you to do the same. She's an amazing woman and she's fighting so hard. (Please God, send your healing to Tasha, please guide the doctor's hands to help her heal. Amen.) I'm so worried about her.
2. Evaluation time at school. I should be used to this by now, but I'm not. It makes me incredibly nervous because I want to do a good job for these students and I want other people to see that I'm doing a good job. My one meeting went very well today and I have another one next Friday. I know more than likely it'll be ok, but I'm overwhelmed with it all.
3. I've been worried about my kids getting sick. Ellie has felt off all week and of course that puts me on edge. So many kiddos are sick right now and of course they're both in germ factories all day long. I just hope that teaching them to wash their hands a lot and to eat healthy foods will help keep them from getting sick as much.
4. Even though my students really have been good this week, it's been stressful. I'm behind my friend at the other high school and I need to get caught up. I'm feeling overwhelmed with making sure they know what they need to. I do feel good though that my level 1 students wrote paragraphs about people, my level 2 students wrote really good stories about their friends having to do chores, and my level 3 and 4 students are working super hard. I feel like whatever I'm doing in the classroom is obviously working, so that's positive, it was just a hard classroom week for me and I don't know why. I think I can see all the stuff that I need to get done and it's not getting done. Period. I have this HUGE pile of stuff to do and it's not getting any smaller.
5. There's been some other school related stuff that I've not been really happy about, I'm not going to specify - if you really want to know - email me. I think it'll be ok, but I'm waiting to hear what happened today during a meeting.
All in all - I'm glad it's Thursday. I'm glad that tomorrow is Friday and 3 of my hours are taking quizzes. I'm not looking forward to grading all of them, but that's the life of a teacher.
I look back at the week - trying to positive, like I normally am - and see the things that made me happy.
1. Going to Zumba on Monday.
2. Taking Ellie to dance and getting to chat with my friends while she's at dance.
3. Ellie had a great p/t conference at her gifted program.
4. I made the kids "mock-donald's" for dinner (thanks Inga for the idea!) and they were playing with the apple slices and making mustaches, beards and unibrows with them - totally cracked me up.
5. My husband and just how awesome he is. And the fact that he has done a ton of dishes this week and started laundry this morning.
6. New babies!
7. Going out to dinner for James's brother's birthday tomorrow.
There's a lot to be happy about and that is positive this week. I need to focus on that and maybe I can get out of this funk. Plus it's almost the weekend!! Yay!