Thursday, February 9, 2012

Things I'm grateful for this week...

So it's been another long and hard week here. I honestly think I'm just really tired and am desperately in need of a break from school. Because of how down I'm feeling, I'm going to talk about things I'm thankful for this week. I want to be more positive versus constantly focusing on the negative.

1. My family. While I feel like I really haven't had a lot of time with my husband this week, our kiddos have been SO well behaved. I'm so grateful that we've had a lot more praise than punishment here.

2. The weekend is coming. I'm looking forward to a couple days off school with my family, James included. I'm looking forward to watching movies and eating yummy food and cleaning the house.

3. waffles for dinner. Yep, it's night breakfast time at our house - why? Because I don't have the energy to make anything else and everyone will eat it.

4. being part-time. I love being part-time and being able to leave when I'm done teaching. I can come home and just veg, sleep, plan, whatever I need to do. sometimes I need to get housework done but at least I'm able to do that while kids are at school and are having fun elsewhere.

5. Jake's daycare and Ellie's school. They both go to great schools where I know they are safe. Even with all the little crap that I'm not thrilled about with Ellie's school, I know that most of the time things are positive and she loves it there.

Even just writing those 5 things has put a smile on my face. Now I can go pick up kids and have a nice quiet evening, with waffles for dinner.

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